ASTA Rise Up! Primary English Activity Book 3 | Buku SD
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Rp60.000 -
Xing Xing – Chinese Learning Series for Young Learners Activity Book 3
Engaging children in storytelling is an effective teaching method for language development. So are nursery rhymes: the rhythm, the repetition of the words as well as the repetition of important grammatical structures help children to recognise and reuse them in various context. This book is comprised of stories and rhymes for children, paired with beautiful illustrations, to help them learn Chinese in a fun way. The illustrations provide context and motivate children to learn and remember these stories.
Rp82.000 -
Xing Xing – Chinese Learning Series for Young Learners Activity Book 2
Engaging children in storytelling is an effective teaching method for language development. So are nursery rhymes: the rhythm, the repetition of the words as well as the repetition of important grammatical structures help children to recognise and reuse them in various context. This book is comprised of stories and rhymes for children, paired with beautiful illustrations, to help them learn Chinese in a fun way. The illustrations provide context and motivate children to learn and remember these stories.
Rp82.000 -
Xing Xing – Chinese Learning Series for Young Learners Activity Book 1
Engaging children in storytelling is an effective teaching method for language development. So are nursery rhymes: the rhythm, the repetition of the words as well as the repetition of important grammatical structures help children to recognise and reuse them in various context. This book is comprised of stories and rhymes for children, paired with beautiful illustrations, to help them learn Chinese in a fun way. The illustrations provide context and motivate children to learn and remember these stories.
Rp82.000 -
Xing Xing – Chinese Learning Series for Young Learners Student Book 3
Engaging children in storytelling is an effective teaching method for language development. So are nursery rhymes: the rhythm, the repetition of the words as well as the repetition of important grammatical structures help children to recognise and reuse them in various context. This book is comprised of stories and rhymes for children, paired with beautiful illustrations, to help them learn Chinese in a fun way. The illustrations provide context and motivate children to learn and remember these stories.
Rp92.000 -
Xing Xing – Chinese Learning Series for Young Learners Student Book 2
Engaging children in storytelling is an effective teaching method for language development. So are nursery rhymes: the rhythm, the repetition of the words as well as the repetition of important grammatical structures help children to recognise and reuse them in various context. This book is comprised of stories and rhymes for children, paired with beautiful illustrations, to help them learn Chinese in a fun way. The illustrations provide context and motivate children to learn and remember these stories.
Rp92.000 -
Xing Xing – Chinese Learning Series for Young Learners Student Book 1
Engaging children in storytelling is an effective teaching method for language development. So are nursery rhymes: the rhythm, the repetition of the words as well as the repetition of important grammatical structures help children to recognise and reuse them in various context. This book is comprised of stories and rhymes for children, paired with beautiful illustrations, to help them learn Chinese in a fun way. The illustrations provide context and motivate children to learn and remember these stories.
Rp92.000 -
New Maths Champion – Workbook 5
New Maths Champion adalah seri pembelajaran matematika yang terdiri atas 6 level untuk murid SD. Secara keseluruhan, materi New Maths Champion sudah diselaraskan dengan Kurikulum Nasional Indonesia tahun 2013. Pembelajaran New Maths Champion menggunakan metodologi Singapura, yaitu Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) dan Spiral Progression.
Rp123.000New Maths Champion – Workbook 5
Rp123.000 -
Chun Hui 2 Textbook – Seri Pembelajaran Mandarin SMP
Chun Hui seri merupakan buku pembelajaran bahasa Mandarin untuk siswa SMP. Melalui pembelajaran secara bertahap, para murid akan mempelajari kosakata yang paling mudah terlebih dahulu, baru kemudian kosakata yang lebih kompleks dan sulit. Meihua mengacu kepada standar instansi pemerintah di Tiongkok, yaitu Hanban dan YCT. Selain itu, Chun Hui menggunakan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa pengantar untuk memudahkan para penggunanya. . . Ketentuan Pembeli: “Pembeli Wajib Membaca Ketentuan dibawah Ini: 1. Pastikan untuk selalu cek ISBN yang sudah tertera di bawah foto 2. Chat admin terlebih dahulu untuk memastikan ketersediaan buku 3. Buku yang sudah dibeli tidak dapat dikembalikan atau ditukar 4. Jika ada keluhan, mohon hubungi admin terlebih dahulu sebelum memberikan rating pada toko kami 5. Dengan membeli buku artinya sudah memastikan buku yang dibeli sudah benar, dan setuju dengan ketentuan diatas 6. Pengemasan produk sudah termasuk plastik bening dan kardus, namun untuk meminimalisir kerusakan dalam pengiriman, silakan tambahkan bubble wrap sesuai dengan kebutuhan.”