Super Safari British English Workbook 2 | Bahasa Inggris | Buku TK
Beli Super Safari American English Lv 3 Workbook (Cambridge University Press) di mentaripedia.com
Rp155.000 -
Cambridge Little Steps Student Book 1 | Buku TK
Masuklah ke dunia Cambridge Little Steps, kursus bahasa dan keaksaraan awal yang membuat anak-anak yang sangat kecil berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris sambil memelihara kompetensi hidup utama mereka dan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan yang dibutuhkan untuk menjadi individu yang baik dan kreatif yang siap memanfaatkan peluang hidup sebaik-baiknya. Jelajahi: cerita indah yang mengembangkan kosakata alami yang kaya bersama dengan kompetensi dan nilai emosional; Pertanyaan Besar yang mendorong anak-anak untuk menyelidiki topik kehidupan nyata dari berbagai sudut; dukungan untuk keaksaraan awal dan keterampilan matematika dasar; kegiatan menyenangkan dan proyek kelas yang mempromosikan kolaborasi dan mengubah pembelajaran menjadi menyenangkan!
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5. Dengan membeli buku artinya sudah memastikan buku yang dibeli sudah benar, dan setuju dengan ketentuan diatas.Pengemasan produk sudah termasuk plastik bening dan kardus, namun untuk meminimalisir kerusakan dalam pengiriman, silakan tambahkan bubble wrap sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
Rp270.000 -
EPH My K2 Jumbo Book 2nd Edition
My K1 Jumbo Book is a fun activity book designed for preschoolers. It features 300 activity pages covering topics. These activities equip children with the knowledge and skills for the following learning areas:
• Aesthetics and Creative Expression
• Discovery of the World
• Language and Literacy
• Motor Skills Development
• Numeracy
• Social and Emotional DevelopmentThis book also provides Teaching Tips, a helpful teaching aid for teachers or parents. These tips explain the learning points and offer follow-up activities to meaningfully reinforce, apply and extend preschoolers’ knowledge.
Rp275.000EPH My K2 Jumbo Book 2nd Edition
Rp275.000 -
EPH My Nursery Jumbo Book 2nd Edition
My K1 Jumbo Book is a fun activity book designed for preschoolers. It features 300 activity pages covering topics commonly taught in K1. These activities equip children with the knowledge and skills for the following learning areas:
• Aesthetics and Creative Expression
• Discovery of the World
• Language and Literacy
• Motor Skills Development
• Numeracy
• Social and Emotional DevelopmentThis book also provides Teaching Tips, a helpful teaching aid for teachers or parents. These tips explain the learning points and offer follow-up activities to meaningfully reinforce, apply and extend preschoolers’ knowledge.
Rp275.000EPH My Nursery Jumbo Book 2nd Edition
Rp275.000 -
Xing Xing – Chinese Learning Series for Young Learners Activity Book 3
Engaging children in storytelling is an effective teaching method for language development. So are nursery rhymes: the rhythm, the repetition of the words as well as the repetition of important grammatical structures help children to recognise and reuse them in various context. This book is comprised of stories and rhymes for children, paired with beautiful illustrations, to help them learn Chinese in a fun way. The illustrations provide context and motivate children to learn and remember these stories.
Rp82.000 -
Xing Xing – Chinese Learning Series for Young Learners Activity Book 2
Engaging children in storytelling is an effective teaching method for language development. So are nursery rhymes: the rhythm, the repetition of the words as well as the repetition of important grammatical structures help children to recognise and reuse them in various context. This book is comprised of stories and rhymes for children, paired with beautiful illustrations, to help them learn Chinese in a fun way. The illustrations provide context and motivate children to learn and remember these stories.
Rp82.000 -
Xing Xing – Chinese Learning Series for Young Learners Activity Book 1
Engaging children in storytelling is an effective teaching method for language development. So are nursery rhymes: the rhythm, the repetition of the words as well as the repetition of important grammatical structures help children to recognise and reuse them in various context. This book is comprised of stories and rhymes for children, paired with beautiful illustrations, to help them learn Chinese in a fun way. The illustrations provide context and motivate children to learn and remember these stories.
Rp82.000 -
Xing Xing – Chinese Learning Series for Young Learners Student Book 2
Engaging children in storytelling is an effective teaching method for language development. So are nursery rhymes: the rhythm, the repetition of the words as well as the repetition of important grammatical structures help children to recognise and reuse them in various context. This book is comprised of stories and rhymes for children, paired with beautiful illustrations, to help them learn Chinese in a fun way. The illustrations provide context and motivate children to learn and remember these stories.
Rp92.000 -
Xing Xing – Chinese Learning Series for Young Learners Student Book 1
Engaging children in storytelling is an effective teaching method for language development. So are nursery rhymes: the rhythm, the repetition of the words as well as the repetition of important grammatical structures help children to recognise and reuse them in various context. This book is comprised of stories and rhymes for children, paired with beautiful illustrations, to help them learn Chinese in a fun way. The illustrations provide context and motivate children to learn and remember these stories.
Rp92.000 -
Super Safari British English Workbook 1 | Bahasa Inggris | Buku TK
Beli Super Safari American English Lv 3 Workbook (Cambridge University Press) di mentaripedia.com
Rp155.000 -
Super Safari British English Pupil’s Book 3 with DVD-ROM | Bahasa Inggris | Buku TK
Super Safari adalah buku Bahasa Inggris yang terdiri dari 3 level untuk pra sekolah dasar yang menyambut anak-anak memasuki pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris melalui ragam cerita, lagu-lagu dan banyak sekali waktu bermain namun sekaligus menolong perkembangan kemampuan kognitif siswa, motor sensorik dan kemampuan sosialnya. Super Safari dilengkapi dengan Buku kerja (Workbook)
Rp193.000 -